
The complete latest specs are detailed in the PDF documentation.


Sample data

A sample feed can be accessed here:



The XML-structure is a work-in progress. We know that different sites do have different database-structures and/or technical capabilities - therefore the XML-fields will most likely not exactly match your structure. The XML-structure is designed to give each receiving site the possibility to convert/adopt the given data in an easy and flexible way.

If you would like to make suggestions/corrections to the structure, please contact

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>

  <OPENAVIATIONADS supporturl="" 
  version="1.9" origin="">
  <BROKER code="">
	  <BROKER_COUNTRY isocode="" /> 
	  <BROKER_REGION isocode="" /> 
	  <BROKER_FAX /> 
		  <AD lastmodified="" id="" >
		  <AD_ID /> 
		  <AD_STATUS /> 
		  <AD_SALETYPE /> 
		  <AD_TYPE /> 
		  <AD_SUBTYPE /> 
		  <AD_MODEL /> 
		  <AD_YEAR /> 
		  <AD_SERIALNO /> 
		  <AD_PRICE /> 
		  <AD_NEWUSED /> 
		  <AD_ATTRIBS /> 
		  <AD_LOCATION_COUNTRY isocode="" /> 
		  <AD_LOCATION_REGION isocode="" /> 
			  <ENGINE num="1">
			  <ENGINE_POWER unit="" /> 
			  <ENGINE_TBO /> 
			  <ENGINE_OH_TIME1 /> 
			  <PIC primary="1" description="" sha1_hash="" filesize="" 
			  width="" height="" /> 
			  <PIC sha1_hash="" description="" filesize="" width="" 
			  height="" /> 
			  <PIC sha1_hash="" description="" filesize="" width="" 
			  height="" /> 
			  <PIC sha1_hash="" description="" filesize="" width="" 
			  height="" /> 
			  <PDF sha1_hash="" filesize="" description="" 
			  origfilename="" /> 
			  <PDF sha1_hash="" filesize="" description="" 
			  origfilename="" /> 

XML-Tags in detail

Tag-Name Data Type Description Attributes
OPENAVIATIONADS XML The OPENAVIATIONADS node identifies the document as an OpenAviationAds standard data feed.
supporturl: The supporturl attribute indicates the website of OpenAviationAds.
version: The version attribute indicates which version of the standard the document conforms to.
origin: The origin attribute indicates the site or organisation supplying the data feed.
BROKER XML The broker node is the container for all the brokers/sellers contact details and ads. This node can occur multiple times.
code: The code should be a unique identifier for the broker on the sending site.
BROKER_COMPANY string Sellers company name
BROKER_CONTACTNAME string Name of the individual in the sellers organization (can be overwritten for each individual ad)
BROKER_STREET1 string Sellers streed address / line1
BROKER_STREET2 string Sellers streed address / line2
BROKER_POSTALCODE string Sellers postal code
BROKER_CITY string Sellers City
BROKER_COUNTRY string Sellers Country
isocode: The corresponding ISO-code of the country (United States=US)
BROKER_REGION string Sellers Region/US-State
isocode: The corresponding ISO-code of the state (California=CA)
BROKER_PHONE string Sellers phone number (can be overwritten for each individual ad)
BROKER_FAX string Sellers fax number
BROKER_EMAIL string Sellers main email (can be overwritten for each individual ad)
BROKER_WEBSITE string Sellers website
ADLIST XML The ADLIST node is the container for all of the sellers adverts.
AD XML The AD node is the container for each individual advert. This node can occur multiple times.
lastmodified: The date of last modification of the ad (YYYY-MM-DD HH:II:ss GMT)
id: Unique identifier of the ad on the sending site
AD_ID string Unique identifier of the ad on the sending site (copy of attribute AD/id)
AD_LASTMODIFIED date The date of last modification of the ad (YYYY-MM-DD HH:II:ss GMT)(copy of attribute AD/lastmodified)
AD_STATUS string Selling-Status of the ad (can be "FORSALE" or "SOLD")
AD_SALETYPE string Type of sale (complete or partial).
Possible values are:
AD_TYPE string Type of the advertised aircraft.
Possible values are:
AD_SUBTYPE string Special Type(s) of the aircraft, list of PIPE separated values.
AD_MANUFACTURER string Manufacturer/Brand
AD_MODEL string Model
AD_YEAR integer Year Built
AD_SERIALNO string Serial Number
AD_REGISTRATION string Aircraft registration
AD_PRICE integer Price
AD_PRICE_CURRENCY string Currency of the above price
AD_PRICE_VATSTATUS string EU VAT-Status of the indicated price (3 parts, spearated with |):
1: 1=without VAT, 2=incl. VAT
2: 3=VAT stated separately (seller is EU company), 4=VAT NOT stated separately
3: VAT percentage
Example: 2|3|19
AD_NEWUSED string Indicates whether the offered item is new or used, possible values are "NEW"and "USED"
AD_CONTACT_NAME string Optional name of contact for this ad (overwrites BROKER_CONTACTNAME)
AD_CONTACT_PHONE string Optional phone-number of contact for this ad (overwrites BROKER_PHONE)
AD_CONTACT_EMAIL string Optional email of contact for this ad (overwrites BROKER_EMAIL)
AD_AFTOTALTIME integer Total Time of Airframe
AD_AFLANDINGS integer Number of landings
AD_LASTANNUAL string Last Annual (MM/YYYY)
AD_ATTRIBS string PIPE separated attributes (added separately for searchability), possible values are:
IFR certified
IFR equipped
Always hangared
Commercially registered
JAR-OPS 1 registered
Damage history
AD_LOCATION_COUNTRY string Country of current location of the item
isocode: The corresponding ISO-code of the country (United States=US)
AD_LOCATION_REGION string Region/US-State of current location of the item
isocode: The corresponding ISO-code of the state (California=CA)
AD_LOCATION_CITY string city of current location of the item
AD_LOCATION_AIRPORT string Airport-Code of current location of the item
AD_TEXT_AVIONICS cdata text Free text description of avionics
AD_TEXT_ENGINES cdata text Free text description of engine specs (if not covered by AD_ENGINES)
AD_TEXT_EXTERIOR cdata text Free text description of exterior
AD_TEXT_INTERIOR cdata text Free text description of interior
AD_TEXT_EQUIPMENT cdata text Free text description of equipment/extras
AD_TEXT_INSPECTIONSTATUS cdata text Free text description of inspection status
AD_TEXT_MODIFICATIONS cdata text Free text description of conversions/modifications
AD_TEXT_REMARKS cdata text Free text description of other details
AD_ENGINE_COUNT integer Number of engines
AD_ENGINES XML The AD_ENGINES node is the surrounding container for the description of all engines.
ENGINE XML The ENGINE node is the container for each individual engine of the item advertised. This node can occur multiple times. num
ENGINE_MAKEMODEL string Make/model of the engine
ENGINE_SERIALNO string Serial # of the engine
ENGINE_POWER string Power of the engine
unit: The unit in which the power is specified (hp,kW,lbf,kN)
ENGINE_TOTALTIME string Total time of the engine
ENGINE_TBO string TBO of the engine
ENGINE_OH_TIME1 string Other maintenance time 1 of the engine ("SNEW","SMOH","SFOH","SFRM",SOH","STOH","SHSI","SPOH")
ENGINE_PROPMAKE string Make/model of the prop
ENGINE_PROPTOTALTIME string Total time of the prop
AD_PICTURES XML The AD_PICTURES node is the surrounding container for all pictures of the advert.
PIC string The URL of each picture. This node can occur multiple times.
primary: has a value of 1 if the picture is the "main pic" for this ad.
sha1_hash: sha1 checksum of the binary. This can be used by the receiving site to determine whether the binary has changed and has to be downloaded again.
description: description/caption of the image
filesize: size of the binary in bytes
width: width of the picture in pixels
height: height of the picture in pixels
AD_PDFATTACHMENTS XML The AD_PDFATTACHMENTS node is the surrounding container for all PDF-attachments of the advert.
PDF string The URL of each PDF-attachment. This node can occur multiple times.
sha1_hash: sha1 checksum of the binary. This can be used by the receiving site to determine whether the binary has changed and has to be downloaded again.
filesize: size of the binary in bytes
description: Description of the PDF
origfilename: original filename of the PDF